Wednesday, March 04, 2009

OOOKay! i worked at a school today and had older kids...well not that old but 4th-5th grader...i got the call as i was preparing to go to school and am usually aware of how i dress when working...well i did not pay attention to my top but always have my pashmina scarf on...well it got hot in the classroom so I took my scarf off..duh...while helping the students i kept wondering why the boys were staring at me and my chest...lets just say i was jingling
p.s. i did wrap up with my scarf like i was going to Alaska.... did not expect a second day of funny buttt....I'm on the bus on my way to college/school and this older lady walks on the bus....she gets on kind of mumbling where am i gonna sit...and I'm like lawd i hope not next to me, because this lady had on flip-flops in 40 degree weather (& she was black) and she had Vaseline on her lips but it was around her something wasn't she sits across from me and then starts screaming WAIT A F*&KN minute...I'm like okk its about to be on...then the bus driver (from behind his little plastic booth) is screaming at her to pay her fare...then ms. lady SCREAMS DON'T BE F*&KN YELLING AT ME....the driver then says get off the bus!! lady really starts going crazy doing more screaming and yelling (just picture somebody older and drunk yelling) this chick that was at the bus stop gets on the bus and starts cussing the driver out saying that's not right to act like that and she comes and gets ms. lady's bus pass to pay her first the bus driver would not accept it but it was too late she already swiped the then the chick says to the driver you see that she is sick don't act like that...then ms lady SCREAMS I AI NT SICK, I'M F*&KN OLD, I'M 65YEARS OLD AND SHOULD HAVE A WALKING STICK!!!!..YOU F*&CN fine he lets that go and start to pull off...well ms chick is like wait im not taking the bus i need toget off and starts banging on the bus and his little window...hes not really paying her and mind & then she yelling to dude LET ME OFF THE BUS MY BABY IS AT THE BUS-STOP!!!! you know i looked out the window and sure enough was her baby sitting in the ms. lady lets him have it calling him all types of azzholes and bishes....well you know that set the driver off...i guess it was the last straw....he shut the bus down...told everybody to GET OFF this bus is OUT OF of course ms. lady starts cussing and fussing about how she should beat the bus drivers azz and all....well i sit there because i know he is eventually going to leave...well another bus is behind my bus and a few folks get off including ms. crazy lady...well you know what happened...the bus driver closed all door..asked if "she" was off the bus...would not let anybody back on and burned rubber...lawdamercy....

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